What is a Mission Statement and why is it important?
A mission statement should be a one-sentence statement that describes the reason your organization exists. Avoid jargon and stick to the facts and the WHY – statements should be:
CLEAR: Simple language. Easily understandable. No greater than 10th grade reading level.
CONCISE: No need for fluff here. Try to keep your statement under 20 words.
USEFUL: Focused and informative. Your reader should understand your why and how.
Who is your audience?
A mission statement should impact three core audiences:
LEADERSHIP: Your mission statement should lay the foundation for your organization and the services it provides. Thinking about adding a new program or expanding in some other capacity? If it does not fall in line with your mission, leadership should be asking “how are we aligned? Is this an appropriate fit?”
STAFF & VOLUNTEERS: This group should clearly understand the mission statement and should rally behind it. If there is a disconnect between staff and the mission, it may be time to consider revising the statement.
EXTERNAL: Help others understand what your organization does and, most importantly, why it is important to the community you serve.